Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always full of heart and soul
“The cat in the hat comes back — with a vengeance!”
– Deckard Canine, Washington, DC, USA
“I’ll wave my magic wand and—no more babies!”
– Jim Lane, St. Augustine, Florida, USA
“Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a tonsil out of my hat!”
– Phatchick, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
“Surgery is like magic. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.”
– Jeffrey Angus, Ranger, Texas, USA
“No strip today. Doc Rat is in hiding from the Doc Slasher.”
– :M Henry, Franklin, Tennessee, USA
“And now, for my next trick…. I’m gonna remove your spleen!”
– Kim Squire, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
“For my next trick, I’ll make your tonsils disappear!”
– Jeremy Ryan, Somerville, MA, USA
“The name’s Scalpell. Speculum Scalpell. Secret Agent 8-1/2. My sidekick, Inspector 86, left a note here somewhere.”
– DaveBro, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
“Would you believe that before I took that correspondence course in plastic surgery I used to be a rabbit?”
– Simcha-Yitzchak Lerner, Oak Park, Michigan, USA
“Anesthesia? No, abracadabra!”
– Arthur McBain, Kennewick, Washington, USA
“For my next trick, I’ll get your tongue!”
– Jon Wilson, Livermore, California, USA
“And soon you’ll meet my brother – he’s the catgut.”
– Jenner
To all my devoted readers, I bid you welcome to the brand new Doc Rat web site. I know the wait has been excruciating, but you will certainly find this new production has been worth the anticipation.
Why the change? Well, the program for the original Doc Rat site had been outpaced by the advances in today’s operating systems, as a result of which they no longer let it perform to its best standard. That’s why people like you were having problems with it. Naturally, this was not good enough, so it was time for a change. A big change.
I thank my webmaster Wolf Bylsma for his sterling work in creating our new home, often against difficult odds. And the wonderful Level Head for bridging the gap in the interim with his mirror site, archive and postings on the Cross Time Café discussion forum.
So what will you find in the new Doc Rat site? Well, it’s like Ben and Daniella’s nursery – good enough to start off with, with a touch of work to go. We haven’t finished stocking the archives yet, but that will come with time. Things will keep getting better.
Okay, mates, it’s time to become fair dinkum agents of the Rat and start spreading the word:
“The doctor is in.”