Missing something Missing something published on April 23, 2019Read more posts by the author of Missing something, Jenner
Differential diagnosis Differential diagnosis published on April 24, 2019Read more posts by the author of Differential diagnosis, Jenner
Team endeavour Team endeavour published on April 25, 2019Read more posts by the author of Team endeavour, Jenner
Lost in the rushes Lost in the rushes published on April 26, 2019Read more posts by the author of Lost in the rushes, Jenner
Social history Social history published on April 29, 2019Read more posts by the author of Social history, Jenner
Consulting detective Consulting detective published on April 30, 2019Read more posts by the author of Consulting detective, Jenner
Another Doctor Krymp book Another Doctor Krymp book published on May 1, 2019Read more posts by the author of Another Doctor Krymp book, Jenner
Scribbling rivalry Scribbling rivalry published on May 2, 2019Read more posts by the author of Scribbling rivalry, Jenner
Joint examination Joint examination published on May 3, 2019Read more posts by the author of Joint examination, Jenner
Rat in the numbat house Rat in the numbat house published on May 7, 2019Read more posts by the author of Rat in the numbat house, Jenner
Achoo with a view Achoo with a view published on May 8, 2019Read more posts by the author of Achoo with a view, Jenner
A turn up for the books A turn up for the books published on May 9, 2019Read more posts by the author of A turn up for the books, Jenner
Parsed over Parsed over published on May 10, 2019Read more posts by the author of Parsed over, Jenner
Ashes to dust Ashes to dust published on May 13, 2019Read more posts by the author of Ashes to dust, Jenner
Lily the shrink Lily the shrink published on May 14, 2019Read more posts by the author of Lily the shrink, Jenner
Meeting Ms McGibbon 1 Meeting Ms McGibbon 1 published on May 20, 2019Read more posts by the author of Meeting Ms McGibbon 1, Jenner