Here it is.
Okay, a little late, I admit, but better late than never.
Jarrad is going for a run and demonstrating that he won’t be held back by a touch of exercise-induced asthma.
Click on the picture to be taken to the competition page. Then send me the funniest caption you can think of, and if yours makes me laugh the most, you’ll win the actual picture itself. Get to it.
Some people have had trouble getting the caption entry machine to work. If that happens, please just e-mail to me on :
And we have a new winner, from Mar/Apr 2017

Philip McCarty, Owens Cross Roads Alabama, USA
Thank you for a genuinely funny joke that made me laugh out loud at my computer.
The prize will be on its way to you soon.
Click on the picture to see this joke and all the honourable mentions.
The Doc Rat archives
If you want to read Doc Rat from the beginning, until recently you would have been disappointed to find it absolutely empty from 2006 to 2014. I am working now to restore that. Every week, I load another twenty strips into the archive page, and I’m pleased to report that at this moment it’s up to DR0340, which first came out on October 12th 2007. As it takes an hour out of my working day to do it, and as I work on Doc Rat one day a week, then twenty a week is all I can manage. There’s some good reading to be had, at this stage.
Don’t forget that Doc Rat is also on Facebook and Twitter, both the latest ones and those golden oldies from ten years ago.
Jenner will be at Anthrocon 2017
I will be attending Anthrocon, in Pittsburgh PA, June 29th to July 2nd, 2017. Keep an eye out for me where you see Bill Holbrook, of Kevin and Kell fame.
I really look forward to meeting everyone who can make it there. Certainly if you’re already planning to go, then look me up – we can share a sketch and a story or two.